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BAUN continue to provide excellent pre-conference workshops and on Sunday 19th November 2023, we will once again be holding pre-conference workshops which will provide you with additional hands on experience and updates which will be essential for your CPD portfolio and for revalidation.

Please note that places for this are on a first come, first serve basis and you must register to attend. If you would like to attend any of the workshops below in addition to the main conference, please visit the main registration page where you can register for a workshop while registering for main conference.  


Flexible Cystoscopy Workshop  Sponsored by


BAUN is pleased to be running the popular Flexible Cystoscopy Workshop again this year. The Workshop aims to give delegates the necessary prerequisite information and skills in preparation for training to perform flexible cystoscopies. Delegates will have the opportunity to practice safely on models, as well ask discuss any individual issues with our experienced workshop leads and while networking with the other delegates. The Workshop is consistently highly rated year after year by both aspiring and experienced nurse cystoscopists.

Workshop fees are £150 for BAUN Members and £250 for Non-members. These workshops remain fantastic value for money and are consistently well attended and evaluated by participants.

Timings: Registrations open from 09:45am. Sessions will begin at 10:00am with lunch at 12:15pm. Sessions will close at 5:00pm.

Programme: Highlights and topics to follow soon

LATP Biopsy Workshop  Sponsored by


After huge success last year, BAUN are delighted to be offering  the LATP Workshop again this year.  This will help prepare Specialist Nurses to perform local anaesthetic prostate biopsies independently. We will provide the theory and practice behind both local anaesthetic trans rectal ultrasound and trans perineal biopsy procedures. There will also be time for hands on experience with equipment using the latest technology in the presence of trained professionals and industry partners. 

Workshop fees are £150 for BAUN Members and £250 for Non-members. These workshops remain fantastic value for money and are consistently well attended and evaluated by participants.

Timings: Registrations open from 09:45am. Sessions will begin at 10:00am with lunch at 12:15pm. Sessions will close at 5:00pm.

To view the programme, please click the box below.


Consolidation Urodynamics Course Sponsored by


BAUN Consolidation Urodynamics Course – Hosted by Bristol Urological Institute 
This is a one day course which is recognised by the United Kingdom Continence Society (UKCS) for recertification in urodynamics.  It will be run face to face on 19th November 2023 in the ACC, Liverpool. 

The course reviews urodynamics (UDS) quality and trace interpretation based on patient cases, and gives updates on urodynamic practice.

Intended delegates:  Nurses and/or technicians and all practitioners doing UDS at any level, as it will be very intimate and should meet all attendee needs. Delegates should be already running urodynamic tests and require an update. Delegates will be encouraged to submit their own urodynamic traces for discussion. 

Learning Points:
•    revision of the basic physical principles behind UDS
•    development of interpretation skills of urodynamic traces
•    ability to recognise full range of artefacts seen during UDS, and the knowledge of how to correct them
•    case based discussion of the role of UDS in investigating children, women, men and neurological patients.

Workshop fees are £150 for BAUN Members and £250 for Non-members. These workshops remain fantastic value for money and are consistently well attended and evaluated by participants.

Timings: Registrations open from 09:45am. Sessions will begin at 10:00am with lunch at 12:15pm. Sessions will close at 5:00pm.

Programme: Highlights and topics to follow soon. 

Please be aware that certification is not eseential for attending this session, however, delegates will gain a greater value from the course if they are already familiar with undertaking urodynamics studies.

To view the programme, please click the box below.